4 Hacks to Achieving a Calorie Deficit

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4 Hacks to Achieving a Calorie Deficit

All About Calorie Deficit!

If you’ve been trying to shed those extra pounds, you would have probably heard of calorie deficit and how it’s the most sustainable and healthiest way to lose weight. I mean, it totally makes sense - calorie deficit is essentially consuming less calories than the amount your body burns.
A calorie deficit of 500 calories per day is considered to be effective for healthy and sustainable weight loss. This would mean an average adult female and an average adult male would have to consume less than 1,600 and 2,000 calories respectively to achieve a calorie deficit.
There are various ways to achieving a calorie deficit, and we’re letting you in on the simplest yet most effective methods!


Control Your Portions

Cutting down a little on your usual portions is also a huge part of eating at a calorie deficit, especially when you’re a big eater. This doesn’t mean needing to starve yourself, as having regular and properly portioned meals is so important for your body! We mean avoiding overeating during meals, and eating more than your body needs to. 


 It’s definitely something that’s really tough to do, especially if you’ve had a long day at work but we’re here to help! Having our Super Lean Shots 30 minutes before every meal is a hack we love to use - did we mention it’s only 4 cals per sachet and it even tastes like strawberries and honey ginger?! It’s made of a clinically proven ingredient called glucomannan and helps to keep you feeling fuller to prevent you from overeating!


Keep Moving!

One of the key hacks to maintaining a daily calorie deficit is to keep up with a healthy and active lifestyle to burn off those accidental extra calories! Be it sneaking in some time for a quick but intense HIIT workout or having simple lifestyle swaps like taking the stairs instead, making a conscious effort to keep that booty moving is always a good thing! 


Count Those Calories

Another super important part about ensuring you hit a calorie deficit is keeping track of your daily calorie intake, by counting your calories! It might seem pretty complicated if you’re totally new to calorie counting, but thankfully there are mobile apps that make the process WAY easier, especially when you’re out and about. Some of our favorite calorie tracker apps we love to use are MyFitnessPalHealthyOut, and Nutriotionix Track!  


Guilt-free Snacking

We’re all guilty of reaching out for that chocolate bar or chips during tea-time or whenever we’re feeling really stressed out, like who isn’t?! It’s totally normal but when it comes to eating at a calorie deficit, that’s definitely gonna be an issue. 

But what if we told you that you could snack all you want, without the calories? Our Power Up apple flavored gummies and Hunger Buster strawberry flavored gummies are seriously so yummy and the best part is, they’re only 10 and 11 calories per serving! Just have 2 Power Up gummies when you need a quick pick-me-up, and 2 Hunger Buster gummies when those snack cravings hit. They even help to curb your snack cravings, so you can thank us later!  


Main Takeaway

While achieving a calorie deficit is definitely an effective yet sustainable way to lose weight, always remember to have regular meals and not take it too far! Skipping meals and consuming too little calories can be counter productive, and might even slow down your metabolism, making it even harder to lose weight. A clean diet with proper meals and active lifestyle is always the way to go!

Written By: Avia Ng

Edited By: Avia Ng