Bust That Snack Belly! ASAP

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Bust That Snack Belly! ASAP

Cravings are only natural – we all have them and they’re useful when trying to decide what to eat for dinner. But if sweet, salty, fatty or carby cravings are ruling your life, it’s time to take back control. Here are some of the best tactics to crush those cravings and bust that snack belly, the SkinnyMint way!


Get Up & Movin'

Whether it’s a hardcore HIIT session or a power walk, the feel-good hormones released from your workout mixed with the crisp morning air is the perfect way to boost your mood! Pair that with a little caffeine (psst, our Morning Boost does the trick!) to help you burn more fat and curb your cravings for unhealthy comfort foods. Start off your day with a healthy breakfast paired with a cup of our fave Morning Boost, for a quick morning pick-me-up!


Bottoms Up!

You've probably already heard this a million times, but trust us when we say hydration is key - even when it comes to those insane cravings! If you're often hungry throughout the day, it's quite likely that your 'hunger' is actually a sign of dehydration. Always have a bottle of water with you wherever you go, just to remind yourself to drink up to wash those cravings away.


Don’t Stress Out

Having your me-time is an absolute essential, not just for your mental health but for your waistline as well. An overload of stress hormones can cause your body to retain belly fat and lead to excessive snacking habits!

Take some time off every night before bed to relax with a cup of your fave Night Cleanse together with a good ol’ bubble bath and maybe a quick DIY facial scrub to calm your mind and get a good night’s rest.


Give In A Little

Gummies Gif

If you’re really craving for that little something to chew on, don’t stop yourself and just have it! It’s totally normal to get those mid-day snack cravings and it’s 100% ok to give in to temptation here and there - just be mindful of your portions.

Need a little guilt-free hack to crush those cravings? Our Super Fat Burning Gummies will do just that! Chew on 2 Power Up Gummies in the morning for a quick energy boost, and 2 Hunger Buster Gummies in the afternoon to say goodbye to those annoying cravings!


The Main Takeaway

Main Takeaway

Getting rid of that snack belly takes time, as do all new routines do! It’s always important to remember not to stress out too much, and always do what’s best for you and your body. Take it one step at a time and remember to be more mindful of your diet and keep moving, you’ll definitely be able to see and feel your results in no time! 

Written By: Avia Ng

Edited By: Avia Ng