5 Ways to Maximize Your Results

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5 Ways to Maximize Your Results

Get the most out of your journey for a richer and healthier lifestyle, with these top tips.

Ever wondered why different people experience different results with our products? We have the answer.

SkinnyMint is not just about you taking your products regularly, it is a holistic approach to a healthier lifestyle. Its success is dependent on several interrelated factors and when you focus on them, the resulting synergy dramatically improves the effects.

So follow our product-enhancing strategies to experience amazing results.

1.  Hydrate


Water helps to flush out the toxins released by your body. We recommend drinking at least 2 to 3 liters of water per day, especially if you are on a teatox journey. Adjust upwards according to your level of outdoor activity, exercise and warmer climates.

Just as drinking water helps the cleansing process, swigging on coffee and alcoholic drinks negates the goals of teatoxing. Alcohol is dehydrating, full of empty calories and puts toxins in your liver, diluting all your hard work.

But don’t stress about going cold turkey on caffeine because our Morning Boost Tea contains green tea (which has caffeine), guarana fruit and yerba mate, all of which are natural stimulants.


2. Follow a healthy diet plan

Balanced Diet

There's no need to fast even if you're trying to lose weight. Following a healthy, balanced diet is key. Incorporating more fresh and raw vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean proteins aids your Teatox journey.

Switch sodas, processed foods, trans fats and foods full of preservatives and additives for nutrient-dense super foods. Cut calories with simple but effective food swaps. Love snacks? Snack on our Gummies, at only 11 calories per serving, it's a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth in a guilt free way. 


Replacing your common daily foods such as white bread with wholegrain bread will provide you with essential nutrients, but will also keep you feeling fuller for longer, helping your weight loss journey.

Remember: fad diets are not only ineffective but they can be dangerous as well. Adopt a healthy diet to keep yourself fit and trim in the long run.

3. Exercise


Exercise helps your body to get rid of toxins, it also releases endorphins, which help elevate your mood.

Take up walking, try a home workout program, join a yoga or dance class, or play a racquet ball game with a friend. Any effort, no matter how small — such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, chopping vegetables, or doing household chores — all help towards a more successful journey.

4. Combat stress


According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) up to 90 per cent of all illness and disease is due to stress. Stress kills the good bacteria and yeast that live in our intestines which keep our immune system and digestive health strong. Stress can also make us comfort eat and reach for unhealthy snacks.

While our Night Cleanse tea, with its natural calming agents, will help you unwind after a long day, there are a few more things you can do to combat stress.


Try practicing yoga, meditation, or get a massage and make a life-plan with clearly specified goals — having an eye on the bigger picture helps to trivialize life’s daily trials.

5. Sleep


Less sleep has been linked to weight gain, moodiness, a foggy state of mind, digestive issues and illness.

Recent research shows that our brain has a unique waste management system. Called the glymphatic system, which is activated during sleep. By pumping cerebral spinal fluid through the brain’s tissues, the glymphatic system flushes the waste from our brain through the body’s circulatory system and into the liver, where it’s eliminated. To aid this brain detox, brain cells shrink by about 60 per cent during sleep to allow for more efficient waste removal.

Get at least eight-hours sleep for a complete brain and body detox.

Written By: Clara Lee

Edited By: Clara Lee